I create, design, illustrate and animate.
My name is Jacqui Gunn, I have been a designer for over 20 years, and a creative my whole life. My design knowledge comes from my placement within print houses, photography studios, animation companies and television studios throughout Australia. I have a Bachelor Degree of Visual Arts and an Associate Diploma in Commercial Art, and extensive industry experience that simply can’t be taught.
My Business philosophy is to simply create, and visually communicate in all manner of forms. It makes me happy. I find work enjoyable, and by having my own company, I keep myself happy, and my family too. Ultimately I want to make you and your business happy too.
Your Brand is your best asset. It communicates your business philosophy, it also enhances name recognition and can increase profits.
If you would like more information on what I can offer please contact me. I would be more than happy to discuss it with you and provide you a quote for your needs.